Monday, June 6, 2011

55 word story

Mt Robson, a beautiful sunset, a few good friends and plenty of beer, the aftermath of a near death experience with John and Joanne, we had spent the morning hiking up to a very nice campsite, what we didn't expect was a momma bear and her cub, protection her goal she charged. dodging onto rocks we barely escaped.

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Career pursuits

I believe that being passionate about what your career could be is very important because if you get into something you dont enjoy doing you wont enjoy your life. If you love doing something pursue it because thats how you make your life interesting or exciting. A career path i would take is a history major in college or university, i enjoy learning about the events that led to where we are today. This could take me into many different career feilds from teaching to being a tour guide. If i got into a job like this i think i would really enjoy it, telling people what i know.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Novel research

I took a look into the violence in the novel. The teens in the near-future england are a group of friends who rather than being regular members of society they are a gang that indulges in intense bouts of ultra-violence to quench their need for excitement. They look for reasons to cause harm and steal because they delight in causing others harm.  “Our pockets were full of deng, so there was no real need from the point of view of crasting any more pretty polly to tolchock some old veck in an alley and viddy him swim in his blood while we counted the takings and divided by four, nor to do the ultra-violent on some shivering starry grey-haired ptitsa in a shop and go smecking off with the till's guts. But, as they say, money isn’t everything," this quote shows that alex the leader of the group is very articulate and he uses that to express his enjoyment and interest in violence and crime. They all use violence as a hobby and they are very smart about how they go about doing that.

useful sites-

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Perception is everything

The theme of beau lotto's presentation is how people percieve things varies because of past experiance and everything that the person has seen, touched, smelt, heard, tasted. Everything he spoke of makes complete sense, like in a cituation with a boyfriend and girlfriend for example, They break up, in one of the persons mind the perception of the cituation can be panic or curiosity but the other person may percieve the cituation completley differently, relief and comfort. Everything we do depends on how we percieve the moment, say a fight broke out because of disrespect or something along those lines. In this cituation both people believe their in the right because of how they percieve the others actions words ect... in one persons mind someones words are telling the other something about how they are that they believe is true, but what about the other person their perception of the persons words may mean they think it isnt true and they could take that as disrespect. If you analyze any cituation where one persons view differs from the other it shows exactly what beau was saying, the way people percieve anything accounts for their understaning of it and the actions caused by how they understand it, which differs completely for everyone on earth.

Monday, February 28, 2011

21st century education

The most important skills needed after highschool are punctuality and dedication, after highschool you need to know how to work effectivly and stick out to your superiors in the work place. creativity is also very important if your not creative and able to think quickly some things may not work out for you. in high school they teach you regular things like how to do your taxes and how to write properly but i believe that what they should teach should be more broad. The perfect school should have free food in classes, and the lessons shouldnt be based on a strict criteria, students should be able to express their ideas in a way that doesnt involve a large work load or lots of writing. A creative environment is key if people are negative or nervous they dont express themselves to the fullest possible. A perfect class would have only constuctive criticism and positive comments. Assignments wouldnt be based on marks persay but rather on how well the student tied his or her own topic to the subject being discussed. This would make school easier on people who have differntly learned minds. school is going to help with getting jobs in the future, i plan to get a part time job and save money for some type of schooling for a career.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Walk a Paragraph

Living in new zealand is just like living anywhere else in the world, you wake up at nine in the morning to go to work and get off of work at five typical work scheldule for middle class citizens. Normally in a day I would wake up at around six in the morning have a shower, eat breakfast, and get ready for work.  And usually in the hour I had left before I had to go to work i would meet up with my friends at blenz the local coffee shop. we lived in a quiet part of town even though christchruch city had a large population. Me, john and ryan got used to seeing each other every morning for coffee. We would all have coffee talk about how our lives were going and other random chatter, then we would go to work. I work at an insurance firm all day i look over claims regarding insurance from large companies to injuries. I believe that eventually I wont have to do this anymore because i do make twenty four dollars an hour. Today was just like any other day, same routine, except the earthquake. It hit at about one which is normally where my day gets a little boring and repetative. But today oh, no i was just sitting in my office approving a claim when the earth started shaking I was very distraught, I could feel that the structural integrity of my building would not stand up to the quake for long. As the walls and floors shook violently i managed to get down the hallway to the exit in time. As i walked out into the street i could see people panicking, as once solid buildings crumbled apart. I watched many homes and buisnesses deconstruct from the force of the natural disaster. I ran towards my vehicle got in and put my seatbelt on tightly and drove through the broken streets towards my house. I was worried that my house may have been destroyed, as I rounded the corner i saw that my home hadnt been damaged but the dog house had fallen apart. It kinda made me intrigued on how the small house had been shaken into a few playwood walls and a roof. I walked in and looked around everything seemed normal until I saw the flatscreen i had bought broken on the floor. That kind of made my day a little worse, now I couldnt relax and watch some tv after that traumatizing event. I spent the next few hours cleaning up broken glass and household items. I made myself some fish and chips for dinner and spent the rest of my night talking to friends about their homes being damaged and what was going on around christchurch.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Apocalypse 1963 historical event spinoff.

The year is 1962 after a failed decision by the president of the united states to bomb Cuba the entire planet is a nuclear wasteland only people on the farthest north and south locations have survived. This is why i thought that being Canadian was awesome after all, communication is out the only way to find out what is going on is from stories heard at our town meetings. There are only 51 of us in Whithorse Yukon we manage to survive from the scraps of all stores now abandoned and the occasional animal that passes through. from what we know by aerial passes of lower Canada nobody below the BC Yukon boarder has survived. Looking out the window of our small 4 seater plane all we see is ruin no buildings are standing, rubble and ash sits where they used to be, the sky is as black as the mountainsides scorched by nuclear radiation and fallout. no vegetation is found anywhere its almost surreal remembering what these once populated places looked like. To think that one persons mistake caused the world to spiral into an apocalypse amazes all of us. The last memory's before it happened seem like history to us, seeing the football game every Sunday wont be in our lives ever again. Thinking of once daily events like showers makes everyone depressed we have to ration our fresh water because most fresh water lakes are contaminated as well as the ever vast ocean. From what we know we could be the only survivors but knowing that if we survived this far north there must be more people above us, i wonder what they know maybe they could just be disconnected and continue their day to day lives. all we know is that the world of lush green forests, beautiful sky's and scenery wont be seen again in our lifetime, well be lucky to survive 3 years on our rations. moving to different locations to find more food and more people could be our only option, but we must go north as the radiation levels anywhere below the middle of lower Canada are way too high. finding any vegetation is impossible, our only fresh water is bottled and our food source is freeze dried meals, canned food and junk. None of us have seen sunlight in over a year and a half, some of our close friends and relatives have gone insane and either ran off or committed suicide. Sleeping provides the only relief from the black and broken world caused by ignorant war mongers. When we sleep we picture walking through lush fields of grass and enjoying simple pleasures we used to hate like going to work or eating our vegetables, these dreams make us happy, they make us forget. Until we wake up and realize the bleakness of the dead world we live in under the black sky of oppression.